Unique Facilities and Instruments Available in the Institute
- Gamma Irradiation Facility – Gamma Chamber 900- A Cobalt-60 RadioisotopeThermal Cycler (PCR System) and ELISA Reader
- GEL Documentation System
- Microprocessor based Fermenter
- GAS Chromatography with Data Station
- Microprocessor based BOD Analyzer
- Microprocessor Based pH Analyzer
- UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (PC based and Microprocessor Based)
- Microprocessor Based CO2 Incubator
- PC Based Thermoluminescence Analyzer
- Ultrasonic Interferometer
- Vertical and Submerged Gel Electrophoresis Units
- DNA Sequencer
- Dark Field Microscope
- Phase Contrast Microscope
- Polarizing Microscope
- Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
- Inverted Microscope with photographic attachment
- Rotary Evaporator
- Plant Tissue culture facility
- Herbarium and Plant Museum
- Computer Facilities in all dept.
- UGC-NRC facility
- DST-FIST Facilities
- Computer lab
- Nano-spectrophotometer
- High Performance Liquid Chromatography